Are You Left Brain or Right Brain?


Left-brain thinkers are typically characterized by their logical, analytical, and detail-oriented approach to problem-solving. They excel in tasks that require direct thinking, such as math, science, and language. In contrast, right-brain thinkers are known for their creativity, intuition, and holistic thinking. They thrive in tasks that involve imagination, visual-spatial skills, and emotional thinking. While left-brain individuals tend to focus on facts and figures, right-brain individuals are more inclined towards abstract thinking and seeing the bigger picture. Both types of thinking are valuable and necessary in different contexts, with left-brain thinking being essential for structured tasks and right-brain thinking contributing to innovation and creativity. Ultimately, a balance of both left and right brain thinking is essential to a successful design-build process.

Unleashing Logic

Left brain thinkers, known for their analytical and logical approach to problem-solving, typically approach a design-build project with a methodical and detail-oriented mindset. They are likely to start by thoroughly analyzing the project requirements, breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps, and creating a structured plan, detailed budget and reliable schedule to guide the design and construction process. Left brain thinkers excel at organizing information, prioritizing tasks, and ensuring that each aspect of the project aligns with the overall objectives and specifications. Their focus on data-driven decision-making and adherence to established guidelines and standards help to minimize risks and ensure the project progresses smoothly and on schedule. Additionally, their ability for critical thinking and problem-solving enables them to identify potential challenges early on and develop innovative solutions to address them effectively. Overall, left brain thinkers bring a systematic and strategic approach to design-build projects, emphasizing precision, efficiency, and attention to detail throughout the entire process.

Leveraging Creativity

Right brain thinkers, known for their creativity and holistic thinking, also bring a unique and much needed perspective to design-build projects. These individuals often approach such projects with a focus on innovation, and visual aesthetics. They tend to prioritize the overall concept and vision of the project, considering the emotional impact and user experience alongside functional requirements. Right brain thinkers rely on their imagination, creativity, and artistic abilities to generate original ideas and solutions to enhance the overall ambience, incorporating branding elements of color, texture, storytelling and symbolism into their designs. Additionally, right brain thinkers pay attention to the flow and functionality of the interior setting, ensuring that the design not only looks beautiful but also serves a practical purpose for the end users. Overall, their approach to design can bring an FI’s sense of personality to a project, making the space visually impactful, memorable, and emotionally engaging.
Delivery speed is 102% faster for design-build managed projects vs. design-bid-build.
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A Balancing Act for Success

Design-build firms often have a unique advantage in that they can leverage the strengths of both right and left-brain thinkers within their staff. This combination of creative and analytical thinking allows design-build firms to deliver projects that are not only visually stunning but also functional, efficient, and well-executed. Employing both types of thinkers within the same team also eliminates any potential conflict and increased costs that can arise from the lack of synchronization between these two mindsets; a problem that often occurs when multiple vendors are involved. In fact, new research shows design-build continues to deliver projects most efficiently. According to the CII/Pankow Study, design-build is faster, with more reliable performance and less cost and schedule growth. The study goes on to show that cost growth is 3.8% less than design-bid-build while delivery speed is 102% faster for design-build vs design-bid-build.

While general contractors can play a role in the construction process by overseeing the practical aspects of building projects, their lack of emphasis on design and creativity can lead to missed opportunities for innovation and aesthetic appeal. Without a strong focus on design, branding and consumer and staff experience, functionality may be prioritized over the visual and experiential aspects of a project. This can result in spaces that lack creativity, originality, and a unique identity, ultimately leading to uninspired and generic outcomes. By having both right-and-left-brain thinkers on staff, design-build firms can offer a more comprehensive and well-rounded approach to project delivery, ultimately leading to more successful and innovative outcomes that genuinely reflect the brand, culture, and consumer experience desired.

Are You Left Brain or Right Brain?

Either way, we speak your language and can help you plan your branch experience, network expansion, and design-build or Refresh projects.

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