Arize Federal Credit Union (formerly SPE FCU)
- Headquarters: State College, PA
After acquiring another small FCU, Arize Federal Credit Union was looking to replace an existing branch with a new, modern facility in a more convenient location for their members.
After completing an in-depth demographic analysis, our site selection experts easily identified the perfect location for the new branch. Once the site was secured, we turned our focus to designing a look that would be relevant to changing times, with an image that is sleek, modern, and promotes the Credit Union’s vision of being a forward-thinking organization. To showcase the brand’s green initiatives and attract a younger demographic, we constructed a solar farm adjacent to the property to offset energy usage. Careful consideration was given to incorporating the Credit Union’s new name and brand throughout to capitalize on the excitement generated by the change.
Adding to the Credit Union’s push to be more modern, we upgraded their existing technology by transitioning their systems to our more sophisticated platform. The addition of interactive iPads throughout the branch gave members convenience and further advanced Arize’s vision. Prominent digital signage allowed the Credit Union to promote their services as well as to capitalize on the benefits of the solar panels by communicating statistics on their energy savings throughout the branch.
These same features, including the solar field were used in the design and construction of a new main office.
State College, PA
New Main Office -
Huntington, PA
New Retail Branch -
Multiple Branch Locations, PA
Technology Solutions

- Branch Optimization
- Demographics
- Site selection
- Architecture
- Interior Design
- Preconstruction
- Construction
- Branded Environments
- Technology Solutions
- BrandVisionHD®
Client Testimonial